- ART Südtirol, a biennal group exhibition in my region: www.artsuedtirol.it
- Alfonso Vargas Saitua, a comic artist from Peru: www.cargocollective.com/alfonsovargassaitua
- Alfonso Vargas Saitua (robotv), comic artist from Peru: http://www.facebook.com/robotve
- Christiane Raich - my facebooksite: https://www.facebook.com/raich.christiane
- Dario Lanzetta, a fashion photographer that studied with me: http://www.dariolanzetta.it/
- ECCO Cádiz, a contemporary art museum in Spain, where I exhibited: http://eccocadiz.blogspot.com.es/
- Kunstfort Fijfhuizen, an artist in residence programme on a fortress not far from Amsterdam: http://www.kunstfort.nl/
- Les salaisons, this special place next to Paris where I exhibited twice: http://www.salaisons.org/
- Maria Stockner, a dear friend and artist from Brixen: http://www.maria-stockner.com/
- Petra Annemarie Schleifenheimer, a lovely artist from Fürth, Germany: http://pas-kunst.de/eine-frische-brise/
- The Linea de Costa artist in residence Programme, a place I loved: http://www.lineadecosta.net/p/artist-in-residence-program.html